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Lake Avalon Property Owner's Association (LAPOA)
In an effort to ensure our beautiful Lake Avalon continues to be clear and free of unwanted plants and animals, the Board has established a sub-committee to focus on protecting our lake from "Invasive Species". In the future, this page will provide information about the efforts of the sub-committee and other educational informational related to our activities to protect our lake.
The following links will allow you to see some of the work of the sub-committee. Here is the work that has been undertaken so far:
1. The Board established the Invasive Species sub-committee and authorized the sub-committee to undertake a number of activities. The link below will enable you to view the activities authorized by the Board.
2. The Sub-committee drafted an ordinance aimed to deter the introduction of invasive species for consideration by the Hillman Township
Recognizing Eurasian Watermilfoil
Eurasian watermilfoil is a feathery submerged aquatic plant that can quickly form thick mats in shallow areas of lakes and rivers in North America. Since it was discovered in North America in the 1940s, Eurasian watermilfoil has invaded nearly every US state. Milfoil spreads when plant pieces break off and foat on water currents. It can cross land to new waters by clinging to boats, personal watercraft, motors, trailers, and fishing gear. Eradicating established infestations is nearly impossible.
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